7 research outputs found

    Pemuliharaan warisan terpinggir: menanggap peranan medium sinema

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    Amalan pemuliharaan warisan kesenian dan kebudayaan sesuatu masyarakat yang wujud di Malaysia adalah sebahagian daripada proses memperkasakan jati diri bangsa Malaysia yang terkenal dengan kerencaman etniknya. Amalan ini sering dikaitkan dengan impak fenomena ‘globalisasi budaya’. Hal ini berupaya ‘menenggelamkan’ budaya peribumi supaya menjadi semakin tidak signifikan lagi dalam arus modenisasi. Peranan filem dalam membentuk daya fikir masyarakat bertujuan agar masyarakat menghayati dan mengingati budaya bangsanya. Ini telah menimbulkan persoalan mengenai kemampuan filem dalam menyemai aspirasi perubahan sesebuah bangsa. Amnesia ini boleh dan sedang dicegah oleh sebilangan kecil intelektual seni dan budaya yang gigih membentuk daya imaginasi dan daya fikir masyarakat dengan menggunakan kerangka ‘voyage-in’ atau ‘mengarus-balik’ yang dikemukakan oleh Edward Said (1993). Makalah ini menyorot perjuangan pemuliharaan 2 antologi tarian zapin dan wayang kulit dalam filem Zaleha Ayam Patah dan Wayang. Hasil analisis kritis wacana menunjukkan pendidikan anak bangsa adalah strategi terampuh sebagai warisan kebudayaan dan kesenian masyarakat Melayu yang kian terpinggir

    A Finite State Machine Fall Detection Using Quadrilateral Shape Features

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    A video-based fall detection system was presented; which consists of data acquisition, image processing, feature extraction, feature selection, classification and finite state machine. A two-dimensional human posture image was represented by 12 features extracted from the generalisation of a silhouette shape to a quadrilateral. The corresponding feature vectors for three groups of human pose were statistically analysed by using a non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test to assess the different significance level between them. From the statistical test, non-significant features were discarded. Four selected kernel-based Support Vector Machine: linear, quadratics, cubic and Radial Basis Function classifiers were trained to classify three human posture groups. Among four classifiers, the last one performed the best in terms of performance matric on testing set. The classifier outperformed others with high achievement ofaverage sensitivity, precision and F-score of 99.19%, 99.25% and 99.22%, respectively. Such pose classification model output was further used in a simple finite state machine to trigger the falling event alarms. The fall detection system was tested on different fall video sets and able to detect the presence offalling events in a frame sequence of videos with accuracy of 97.32% and low computional time

    Academic Career In Malaysian Higher Education: The Identities Of Malaysian Professors

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    This paper describes the identities of Malaysia professors contextualized within the agenda of Malaysia higher education to become the hub higher education in the Asian Pacific region by 2020. in response to the challenges of global higher education, the Malaysian higher education has introduced a systematic strategic plan to develop a culture of academic excellence. However, little has been written about the changes in the academic career in response to this agenda. Future , there are claims that the academic's responsibilities are becoming more diversified and complex as the landscape of higher education changes is emphasis to massification, internationalization and accountability. Draw from this context, this paper aims to explore the roles of academics, particularly the professors and critical analysis of the Malaysian Higher Education policy documents, this paper describes a profile of Malaysian Professors. It also puts forth an argument that the identities of Malaysian professors are characterized by the local and global imperatives as they are shaped by not only the specific agenda of the country but also the global trend. Thus, this paper serves as awareness and guidance for young academics pursuing for professorship to strategize their career pathway in higher education sector

    The Effectiveness of Detritus Balls on Cockle (Anadara granosa) Growth

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    The detritus balls had been found to be effective as food for the survival of the cockles (blood cockle, Anadara granosa, Linnaeus 1785) kept in captivity but have not been tested in the field. In this study two plots of farm areas each measuring 20 m X 20 m were selected as testing fields where one served as test plot and the other was the control plot. Initially, there were cockles present in both plots aged about 18 months old measuring between 19 mm to 29 mm and only test plot was treated with 100 detritus balls. After the six months period (from Januar

    A Finite State Machine Fall Detection Using Quadrilateral Shape Features

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    A video-based fall detection system was presented; which consists of data acquisition, image processing, feature extraction, feature selection, classification and finite state machine. A two-dimensional human posture image was represented by 12 features extracted from the generalisation of a silhouette shape to a quadrilateral. The corresponding feature vectors for three groups of human pose were statistically analysed by using a non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test to assess the different significance level between them. From the statistical test, non-significant features were discarded. Four selected kernel-based Support Vector Machine: linear, quadratics, cubic and Radial Basis Function classifiers were trained to classify three human posture groups. Among four classifiers, the last one performed the best in terms of performance matric on testing set. The classifier outperformed others with high achievement ofaverage sensitivity, precision and F-score of 99.19%, 99.25% and 99.22%, respectively. Such pose classification model output was further used in a simple finite state machine to trigger the falling event alarms. The fall detection system was tested on different fall video sets and able to detect the presence offalling events in a frame sequence of videos with accuracy of 97.32% and low computional time

    Public Awareness and Practices Towards Self-Medication with Antibiotics Among Malaysian Population: Questionnaire Development and Pilot Testing

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